Welcome to the online home of Metolius Friends Community Church. If you’re new to MFCC, the following information will be helpful in giving you a “feel” for what our Sunday mornings are like as well as some other frequently asked questions.

What time do things start on Sunday morning? 

The Worship Service begins at 10:45 am.

What happens during the Worship Service?

On a typical Sunday morning we sing songs, read Scripture, pray, share announcements about upcoming events, have a children’s message, hear a sermon, and have a time of what the Friends call “Open Worship”. If you would like to know more about each of these, please follow the link below and you will see why we do what we do.

Why do we do that?

What can I expect when I walk in the Church?

One of the things that we have heard over the years from folks is that they feel welcome and cared for when they walk into the Church. We have a great group of people who make up the Church, and they are great at extending the family atmosphere to newcomers. You will be greeted by one of our ushers and handed a bulletin which has the order for the Worship Service as well as announcements and sermon notes.

You will notice people hanging around, drinking coffee, and catching up with each other on what has happened during the previous week. Make yourself at home by getting some coffee from the kitchen, or making your way into the Sanctuary, and please feel free to sit anywhere. We don’t have any assigned seats!

What do I wear?

Most people dress casually and comfortably. We have people who wear shorts and t-shirts, others who wear jeans and a polo, and others still who will wear a suit and tie or a dress. There is no dress code, and we want each person to feel comfortable in what they have on.

What do I do with my children during the Worship Service?

We love kids! And we also understand that sometimes they can be a little rambunctious once they have been sitting for a long time. We have the nursery available (0-4 yr. olds) during the entire Worship Service. Please feel free to bring your babies in the service or leave them with our caring nursery volunteers at any point you would like. Every Sunday we also have a children’s message, where we invite all the kids up on stage for a short presentation. After that they can go to Children’s Church which is available for 4 yr. olds up to grade 5.

Other questions?

If you have other questions, we would love to be able to answer those. Let us know what they are by using the contact page.