Brown Bag Food Program
The first Friday of each month we partner with Neighbor Impact and the Oregon Food Bank to offer a supplemental food program for anyone who needs extra food to help make ends meet. The food that we receive (roughly 3,000 to 3,500 lbs.) is all donated from area grocery stores.
We need 15-20 volunteers each month to do everything from sorting the food we receive, checking dates, setting up tables and chairs, cleaning, staffing tables to serve clients, and more. We ask for volunteers to be at the Metolius Depot (6th & Washington) at 3:30 pm the day of service. The truck delivers the food at 3:30 pm, registration for clients begins at 4:00 pm, and then we start the service at 4:30 pm where clients are allowed to “shop”.
If you would like to help, you can drop by the Metolius Depot on the first Friday of each month, or you can contact the Church Office at (541) 546-4974 for more details.
Metolius Friends Community Church Food Pantry
MFCC offers a free food pantry at the church every Monday from 5:30 – 7:00pm for individuals and families in need of extra food. From canned goods, to frozen meat, to fresh produce – and much more! Everyone is welcome. Please see the “Church Calendar” for up-to-date information.
Church Service Opportunities
Church Property Care: We are continually looking for help in taking care of the Church grounds. Mowing and watering are crucial in the Summer, and cleaning snow in the Winter. We have periodic work days usually in the Spring and the Fall where we do quite a bit of clean up as well.
Sunday School & Children’s Church Teachers: Do you have a love for kids? Then getting plugged into our Children’s Ministry might be a great fit for you! We offer Sunday School at 10:45 am on Sundays and we have lead teachers and back up helpers for each class. The lead teachers prepare the lesson and do more of the teaching, while the back up helpers are there to keep the kids on task and help in any other way needed.